What's the matter with kids today and why doesn't anyone want them around? In June, Malaysia Airlines banned babies from many of their first class cabins, prompting other major airlines to consider similar policies.
Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores.
Earlier this month, McDain's, a Pittsburgh area restaurant that banned kids under 6 became a mascot for the no-kids-zone movement.
According to a Pittsburgh local news poll, more than half of area residents were in favor of the ban. And now big business is paying attention.
"Brat bans could well be the next frontier in destination and leisure-product marketing," writes Robert Klara in an article on the child-free trend in AdWeek.
Klara points to Leavethembehind.com, a travel website for kid-free vacations, with a massive list of yoga retreats, luxury resorts and bargain hotels around the world that ban children.
"Call me a grinch, a misanthrope, a DINK (dual-income-no-kids), or the anti-cute-police, but I hate (hate a thousand times over) ill-behaved children/infants/screaming banshees in upscale restaurants (ok, anywhere, really, but I don鈥檛 want any death threats)," writes Charlotte Savino on Travel and Leisure's blog. She lists a slew of a popular destination restaurants with kid-free areas and policies for travelers looking for quiet vacation dining.
What do you think about the ban on brats????
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http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/parenting鈥?/a>|||I do tend to agree with this. I'd like the choice of being able to go out for dinner in a restaurant that doesn't allow babies/toddlers. All too often I've had to see kids running around a restaurant disturbing people or listen to a crying baby...I go out for a nice dinner to get away from that. There are still plenty of restaurants around that cater to families so I don't see a problem.|||I don't agree on banning all children, but I complete agree with a ban on brats. People need to teach their children how to behave properly. :)|||Excellent. They should be banned completely.|||Normally I'm very much a free-market kind of guy, but this is age discrimination.|||Agree with it!!!!|||As a DINK myself, I love this! I like quiet.|||Peace of mind.......Sounds Great|||I guess it's become necessary..........have talked to my 'rents about it (after we got stuck on a flight with non-stop screaming kids)......they said in past years "people would have enough sense not to take a young child on a plane".................likewise good restaurants when they're too young to be quiet, etc., etc. So our consensus was that - like a lot of things - when people don't have enough sense to act correctly on their own, we have to have more and more rules and laws. "Other peoples rights end where mine begin." To bad - like a lot of things - those who do know how to act get punished along with the idiots.|||The problem is with parents who don't know how to handle their kids. There are also parents who think that their kids should be welcome anywhere they are, forgetting that some people want time away from their kids. I really do not want a dinner spoiled by some screaming kid (and the high-pitched shrieks some kids emit, seemingly at random, really hurts). I do not want some idiot parent changing his/her kid's diaper anywhere but a restroom (and yes, I have seen parents who think anywhere is fine to tend to their kids' needs). When kids are in pubilc, they should know how to behave, and parents should enforce it.
The fact that too many parents can't or won't is why some places have to have bans on brats.
Edit: kt-alexis: It's called get a freaking sitter.|||I say it's up to the owner of ANY business to decide who is and isn't welcome. I also say it's up to them to decide whether they're going to have a smoking or non-smoking policy. As long as the information is clearly displayed outside, it's nobody's business but the owner's. If you don't like it, go elsewhere. If there isn't an "elsewhere" of the same standard, somebody will jump at that huge business opportunity like a moth in mittens, and fill the gap. If nobody fills the gap, it's because not enough people care.
I just LOVE the idea of no young children screaming their heads off while I'm trying to enjoy a special night out with my husband. There are plenty of other restaurants willing to take them in: parents are a huge customer base after all.|||I have no problem with well-behaved kids but they are so few and far between that it's no wonder that kids aren't welcome anywhere anymore. Who is to blame? The parents who sit drinking coffee while their kids run riot through a shop and cafe and cause mayhem. The poor waiting staff are taking their lives in their hands trying to serve paying guests because if they spill hot soup on a child who has run into them, they can be sued! Parents, keep your kids in check and mothers, park your buggies with consideration and tuck your handbag handle under the table before someone gets hurt! Rant over but I still don't feel better. On the up side, when you do see well-behaved children (the exception these days rather than the rule) they are a pleasure to serve. When I was a child, if I bawled then I went outside for the duration of the meal and quite right too. People should be able to eat in peace. Life and society leave us so little time out that surely a half hour of peace for lunch shouldn't be too much to ask.|||The reason they have to have no-kid places is because most of todays parents do not disclipline their kids and seem to think it is cute when they are shrieking and running around while they yap on their cell phones in total oblivion. My mother who raised seven kids, had a saying No one should have to listen to someone elses screaming brats while they are out on public.|||A lot of parents these days, they let their kids run loose; in stores, and other public places with no form of punishment. That is where the problem starts. Every-time, I go to a store. You will always see kids running loose screaming, and nearly knocking me over. That is why businesses and customers are just fed up. I also think young babies are to young to travel on flights. Because, babies are prone to getting sick. With that said, their is to many germs on the flights for babies.|||Today's parents apparently don't see any need to keep their children quiet and well behaved.
One insane mother actually attacked a fellow passenger on a flight (sitting in front of her kid) who had politely complained about the (9 year old) kid kicking the back of his seat - continuously - for almost three hours of the flight|||ill-behaved, screaming customers who don't know how to behave themselves in public should be banned, no matter what age! Children just tend to show it more often than adults. I think this is a great idea! I work in a restaurant as a server %26amp; this restaurant allows kids and gives them free ice cream at the end of dinner and also has promotions to bring kids in so there's always a million of them in the restaurant. I like kids and all, and I'm not saying all of them are unable to behave, but the majority of them can't %26amp; it all starts with the parents.And just as a side note if your kids can't behave themselves it's really difficult for me to give them, and therefore the parents, great service. It's hard to talk over screaming two year olds! I always feel sorry for the cute couple in the corner who is trying to have a romantic dinner but can't fully enjoy it because some little brat is throwing a tantrum on the ground and their parents can't control the situation. I'm all for this idea!!!|||As a parent of grown adults. I actually like the idea of no children allowed restaurants. When they are yelling screaming crying going on at the next table how can you enjoy your night out.
I think the biggest problem however isn't the children, it's the lack of parenting skills of the parents. They have no idea how to instruct or teach their children how to behave. Alot of kids today have very little morals, no discipline, no consequences for their actions. When we would take our children out they knew how to behave. But it seems times have changed and long gone are those days, that's why people are now going to these extreme measures of banning children from their places of business.|||i hate little brats to.
parrents need to learn how to controle there kids.. or at least get them to shut up and stop acting like brats,
sometimes i just want to slap some little kid who wont stfu
but this ban is still wrong... it is age discrimination.. and they should be sued or stoped.
children already are having the rights strips by parrents,, they state,, the goverment,, and school.
if we keep discriminating, and violate kids rights,, any more then we are doing.... how the hell are we going to teach them about eqaul rights?
its like emelerntry school...... teachers were teaching us about equalily between genders... then the girls would try to abuse there gender, by trying to hit boys in play grounds..
i didnt let them get away with it... and we should not let discrimination ageasnt children happen either.|||What's my name? Of course I agree with the ban on brats!
My kids were never allowed to yell or run around like apes in restaurants and stores. And fortunately, they were all grown up before they ever got on a plane.
I can't count how many times I've been accosted by the wails of an unruly child in a restaurant, if the parents don't just set them on the floor and allow them to literally run around the place, bothering other diners and getting under the feet of servers trying to do their job.
I don't blame the kids at all. I blame the parents for not doing THEIR job!|||I have a child and this article disgust me. What should I leave my child in the hott car to satisfy your childless needs. I would never give my business to any of those venues. This is legal age discrimination no matter how you spin it. Also reading some of the below comments it looks you are pure ignorance. Some of you are just kid haters. Truly disgusting.
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