Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores.
Earlier this month, McDain's, a Pittsburgh area restaurant that banned kids under 6 became a mascot for the no-kids-zone movement.
According to a Pittsburgh local news poll, more than half of area residents were in favor of the ban. And now big business is paying attention.
"Brat bans could well be the next frontier in destination and leisure-product marketing," writes Robert Klara in an article on the child-free trend in AdWeek.
Klara points to, a travel website for kid-free vacations, with a massive list of yoga retreats, luxury resorts and bargain hotels around the world that ban children.
"Call me a grinch, a misanthrope, a DINK (dual-income-no-kids), or the anti-cute-police, but I hate (hate a thousand times over) ill-behaved children/infants/screaming banshees in upscale restaurants (ok, anywhere, really, but I don鈥檛 want any death threats)," writes Charlotte Savino on Travel and Leisure's blog. She lists a slew of a popular destination restaurants with kid-free areas and policies for travelers looking for quiet vacation dining.
What do you think about the ban on brats????
Is this Age Discrimination???
Add Stars!!!!鈥?/a>The no-kids-allowed movement is spreading to Hotels, Theaters, Restaurants, and even Grocery stores??
i think it's great the no kids movement is spreading! i can't stand kids who have a temper tantrum in movie theaters and restaurants. how rude and obnoxious to subject other people to their kids screaming. do us a favor and leave them home!!!
If a business wants to ban kids of a certain age I think they should be allowed to. There are plenty of other places a family with small children can go. When a couple wants to splurge and go somewhere nice and peaceful they should have the opportunity to be at peace.The no-kids-allowed movement is spreading to Hotels, Theaters, Restaurants, and even Grocery stores??
I fully support any business that chooses to do this.
Why exactly should I have my day ruined because some slacker parents tune out their kids screaming?
As a side note, begging for stars is just pathetic.
I think that's awesome! I would pay a little extra for a restaurant or a movie theater if I knew there wouldn't be kids. I can't stand when parents take their babies into movies and when they start crying they don't even leave the theater!
That's why God invented Chuck E Cheese's, and babysitters.
I think it's great.
I want to be able to watch Harry Potter without having to hear your spawn scream about Milk Duds and peepee.
Good, kids under 15 should not be allowed in public.
I hate ppl who can't control their kids
Love the ban
Love it
I can see how, if someone is paying top dollar for a lovely, stress free experience, they don't wish to be confronted with the psychic messiness of children. I am, truly, grateful that folks who can afford to do so are proactively labeling themselves as such. You stay on your beach, we'll stay on ours.
All of these folks who hate children amuse me. I wonder any of you were ever children yourselves? Children are, in fact, people.
The problem is that parents think they should still enjoy the same life they did prior to having children.
Hence, the proliferation of day care, in-car entertainment, McDonald's PlayPlace , Disney cruises ... anything they can do to dump the kids and enjoy life as close as possible to how they used to have it.
Maybe parents should stay home and enjoy a quiet evening with their children, instead of making everyone else listen to them at the local causal dining restaurant.
If they're going to go out, they should stick to the kid places. McD's and Chucky Cheese.
I think it is appropriate. When I was a kid if I got out of hand in public, my mom would pull me aside and smack my butt. You can't do that anymore and kids know it. Thats why they think they can scream and holler and basically make everybody arounds life miserable. If the government is not going to let us discipline our children to set them straight and teach them to behave then I think we need places where people can have piece of mind and not have to deal with others children. The grocery store, every city should have one that does not allow children. I do not think that every grocery store should be this way because we have a lot of parents out there that need a place to shop. Just give us without kids and alternative to not dealing with the brats. I would pay extra to shop in a grocery store that was child free. And people complaining about this, do you take your kids into bars? no you don't there is an age limit in place. This is no different than that.
Okay, first off, Age Discrimination was coined in defense of seniors in the work place...not children who can't behave in public. If you want to get technical, screaming children are in violation of Noise Regulation Statutes. But no one's arresting the parents for that, are they?
That being said, it's not ridiculous for someone (who is paying a lot of money for a movie ticket, plane ticket, or meal) to want a little peace and quiet. I'm more worried about the fact that I see parents bringing their little toddlers into movies like Saw, Hostel, and No Country for Old Men. Don't they care that they could be scarring their little children, or giving them nightmares?
When smoking was allowed in restaurants my best friend and I would sit in smoking even though we don't smoke because the chances of screaming kids was smaller there ! Once you get past that age of having small kids and get over 50 a little bit of a bratty kid goes a long way and you really don't want to pay to go out to eat and listen to it ! Nine times out of ten the parents are to lazy to make them behave !
While I don't think it's necessarily fair to those people who DO have well-behaved kids, I can certainly see the pros for such a ban. Too many parents just let their children yell and scream and make noise, and just don't care about the people around them who are trying to enjoy themselves. It's very irritating to be out on a date or enjoying a night out with friends, and be trying to have a nice meal with some brat sitting at the table across from you throwing food, running around the table, or screaming at the top of their lungs and the parent not doing a thing.
But I do think a better option would be to just make the families with ill-behaving children leave, instead of banning ALL children. That way you could keep the atmosphere pleasant, while still allowing those families who DO teach their children how to behave to have a nice night out.
I totally agree with the ban! If I pay $10 for a movie ticket I do not want it to be interrupted by a screaming child or a child that feels he has to kick my seat during the entire movie. If I go to places like BW-3's for dinner I should expect loud people. Adults and children. But if I want to enjoy a quiet romantic dinner at Brio or McCormick's I do not want it to be disrupted by some kid who's screaming at his parents that he wants to leave, while they ignore him. Nowadays it seems parents just let their kids scream. First off if the child is an infant and starts crying (people really have no business bringing infants to quiet sit down restaurants or movies) get a to-go box for the rest of your food and leave the restaurant. As for older children, either discipline them when they're being disruptive or don't bring them somewhere they have no business being at! Places like McCormick's and Brio are not family places for people with kids under the age of 12 or 13. So go to your local Chuckie Cheese or find a babysitter!! Those of us who choose to have well-behaved children, or none at all (like myself) don't want to hear yours!
I LOVE THIS! For once the people without kids or who dont want to deal with kids are given rights!!!!
It's about time! Why should we have to deal with other peoples kids? We didnt have them!
And to all those saying that people who dont want to deal children should stay home, why should we be punished? Its not our brats running around raising hell all day long. You made the decision to have kids, and with that decision comes the responsibility of raising them. You give up your freedoms when you decide to have kids. And to all those who say "Well i cant afford a baby sitter whenever i have to go to the store", well then YOU CANT AFFORD TO HAVE KIDS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT HAVE THEM, OR RAISED THEM TO RESPECT THE PEOPLE AROUND THEM, THIS WOULDNT HAVE TO HAPPEN! So if you think we people who dont like kids should stay at home, then i think we people who dont have kids SHOULDNT HAVE TO SPEND OUR TAXMONEY PAYING FOR YOUR KIDS EDUCATION!!!! That's not very fair to us at all, but like with everything, we have to deal with it because families have priority.
I think maybe we should have a "no kid section" in some establishments but not 100% ban. This sets a precedence for parents ignoring thier kids and further perpetuates the problem of someone else raising your child for you movement. My husband and I by no means take our children everywhere with us (date nights are important) but I think it is important for kids to spend time with thier parents, not just to be pushed around from one day care center to the next as if they are a burden. If they are not allowed anywhere but the day care centers that is what will happen. I have even heard of grocery stores banning children...seriously, enough is enough. Children need to have these experiences where they need to be quiet and behaved or they will never learn how to properly act. Ban 0-5 because that age group is currently misbehaving and you just end up with 6-10 year olds that are misbehaving because they are new to the real world and have run wild and unchecked at the sitters for that past 5 years etc. etc. And what about mentally challenged people that have IQ of a 5 year old. Are we banning them too?
I love it.
Back when I was a kid, parents didn't foist their offspring on everyone around them. We usually ate at home. If we went out, we sat in our chairs and did as we were told. Parents dining out with infants was beyond rare.
Now, we have the two-fold issue of "I am here with my children and you must serve me" mentality along with no parental control over said kids.
It's ridiculous.
If the kids at the next table are dining quietly, I have no issues. But many are loud and unattended. Don't even get me started in infants. Why the hell is someone at a restaurant with a flipping infant, anyway? No one wants to hear your happy, screeching, gurgling baby. It's cute ... for about two seconds.
If you cannot afford a babysitter, then order out for a pizza and stay at home.
This is pure discrimination upon children and we all need to kick it in the butt. Whoever don't allow children in there place needs to be closed down for children is the future to our world and we as parents,grandparents,guardians and all will not tolerate children being attacked in such manner by anybody.
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