I'm scared about my grades and future college!?!?
So currently I am a sophomore at a pretty good public high school. Here are my stats - note the individual class grades are not that good, and I am working on it. I blame it all on my laziness and nothing else...
8th grade
-Algebra 1 regular 98
-Earth science 95
-Spanish 1 100
Freshman year
Comp apps 100
Orchestra 100
Biology honors 94 (regents standardized exam 98)
Geometry honors 91 (regents standardized 96)
English 97
phys ed 96
Spanish honors 98
Global 1 96
global 2 99 ( regents standardized exam 100)
sophomore year ( we are in our third quarter) so far:
AP Biology 89
Chem honors 93
Spanish honors 99
orchestra 99
Health 97
Algebra 3 honors 88
English honors 98
Gym 96
Next year courses include AP Physics, AP chem, APUSH, AP Lang, orch, Spanish 4 honors, Honors Calculus, gym...
My extracurriculars so farL
Volunteering at the Hospital ( almost 100 hours) I do it every weekend
Volunteering at the American Heart Association
Volunteering at the lib
Volunteering at a local nursing home
Mock Trial Lawyer since freshman year
Cross country 1 year
Spring track and field since freshman year
School play
Job at a local fast food restaurant
KEY club member
Won a few state level art competitions
Babysit three autistic children that need special care
I plan on joining more clubs junior year that involve philosophy...
I also plan to internship at a local doctors office and shadow a doctor
I took my SATS so far are a 2100 and I plan on working on it to get it as high as possible before junior year. I'll be taking the SAT II Bio and chem this june.
My schools ( reach) that I am aiming for are University of Chicago, Northwestern, Cornell, Brown, Emory, Carnegie, UCB, UCLA. University of Rochester, University of Pittsburgh, Emory, Vanderbilt, UNC, University of michigan
I don't think I am in the top 10% of my class, I am working on it this year, and next year...There are people with better stats , I think, i am not exactly sure..
Do you think I am on the right track , and if I work very hard this quarter to bring my chem, Algebra, and bio averages up, and I get more involved with leadership and NHS, I have a good chance for these schools?
Note This summer I am planning to volunteer more hours, Take extra summer classes for physics and sociology ( to help my GPA). I am also taking SAT prep classes in the summer..
Next summer I am going to try research... Apply for an internship, and shadow a local doctorAm I on the right path? What is my outlook for these colleges? Opinions? I am really worried!?
We don't work for these schools, so don't take our answers as final conclusions in your academic decisions.
I'm just going to say that you should really take more AP courses because academic rigor in your transcripts is the most important factor at all of these colleges. Four is really good for next year. Continue that number or go higher in your senior year.
Also, class rank is an important factor. Colleges can only compare you to the individuals in your school. They can't compare you to students in other schools because those schools have different scales and teaching methods (too many variables to name). You MUST be in the top 10% to give yourself a reasonable chance. I know you can do it.
And you need to get over your "laziness" because laziness certainly won't help you get into those tier colleges you want to apply to. Don't act like laziness is a good thing. It's deleterious. If you think you can get better grades, then do it. Get the grade you deserve, not the grade you get for laziness.
Honestly, Cornell and Brown might be too much of a far-off reach for you. As I said, most applicants are in the top 10% of their class. And when they say top 10%, they really mean anyone above 5% in their class is the one they want to apply.
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